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PTV Vistro

All-in-one traffic engineering software

Ideal for traffic engineers and transportation planners, PTV Vistro delivers the best combination of traffic signal analyses and traffic impact studies meeting industry standards like the Highway Capacity Manual. Easily optimize and balance networks of signalized and unsignalized intersections and roundabouts. PTV Vistro smooth workflows, scenario management, and automated reporting features save you time and eliminate errors.

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The 2024 Mobility Tech Update is available now!

Discover all new highlights and features of PTV's and Econolite's software and hardware solutions.

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Customers who are satisfied with PTV Vistro

Caltrans Caltrans
Durham BW Durham, Ontario
Montreal-sw Montreal
udot udot

Leverage the synergies between Vistro and Centracs.

Integrate Centracs signal timings directly with Vistro for quick analyses. In Vistro, study and send new optimized timing patterns back to Centracs for field deployment. Keep your traffic signal data synchronized between your management and modeling software - and make decisions with the latest information.   

Centracs is the industry-leading advanced transportation management solution that interfaces with traffic signal controllers and enables the centralized management of signal systems including the deployment of new, coordinated timing plans.  Traffic Operations Teams utilize Centracs to monitor real-time signal health and Signal Performance Measures.

Learn more about Centracs

Why you should consider Traffic Engineering with PTV Vistro

PTV Vistro Smooth network building & optimization
Hassle-free network building & optimization

The best network editor to quickly build beautiful traffic models with high-quality graphics

PTV Vistro save time
Save time and money

Create your networks on satellite web maps with a real coordinate system and connect with PTV Vissim & Visum

PTV Vistro rapid buildout
Rapid buildout

Optimize your city’s traffic signal network with our OSM import, file merge, and update features

PTV Vistro from engineers for engineers
Optimize your project experience

With an intuitive user interface, smart workflows, powerful graphical results, and next-level analyses

PTV Vistro analysis
More analyses and accepted results

PTV Vistro brings you more approved industry methods than any other urban street design tool

PTV Vistro always up to date
Always up to date

We continuously pack PTV Vistro with key features to meet your needs and industry trends

What PTV Vistro offers you

Flexible traffic signals workflows

Easily set up and create fixed-time, semi- and fully actuated, and free running controllers in a coordinated and uncoordinated environment. Utilize the powerful default signalization feature to create new signalizations in one click and automatically calculate recommended cycle lengths, splits, and pedestrian crossing intervals. PTV Vistro’s flexible sequence editor and phase diagrams enable you to efficiently explore both standard and advanced signalizations needed for alternative intersection types.  Also, PTV Vistro’s traffic signal controllers integrate with PTV Vissim and PTV Visum for out-of-the box simulations.

Leading pedestrian intervals and exclusive pedestrian phases

Strike a balance between pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic. PTV Vistro’s implementation of Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs), stands far above the competition, requiring no additional signal phases to fool the software. Thus, you model exact LPI operations for the traffic controller. Additionally, analyze exclusive pedestrian phases, midblock crosswalks, and bicycle lanes with PTV Vistro’s local and network optimization tools.

Intersection, network, and routing optimization

PTV Vistro delivers intelligent traffic signal optimization at individual intersections, for districts, or across your entire network. Quickly set up coordination groups, master controllers, offset references, and optimization strategies with our user-friendly graphical-user interface. Moreover, PTV Vistro uniquely provides enhanced route-based optimization to find the best solution and create customized time-space diagrams, resulting in painless green wave optimizations.

Traffic Impact Analysis made easy

Evaluating Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) is easy with PTV Vistro. Our integrated workflows quickly and intuitively generate, distribute, and assign new project trips from your proposed site to destinations across your network. On-screen graphics and mitigation tools allow you to discover, test, and alleviate traffic congestion. The workflow makes last-minute changes to the development with automatic updates.

Utilize PTV Vistro’s fair-share analysis tool to allocate improvement costs across various projects. PTV Vistro’s Scenario Management evaluates the impacts of your site’s project trips over time by exploring staged buildouts of your developments.

Automatic reporting and KPIs

PTV Vistro’s reporting tools provide you with a selectable mixture of customized summaries, traffic figures, and full-page details – all at the push of a button. PTV Vistro gives you the flexibility to enter your project details and company logo in your final analysis reports along with a linked-based table of contents.

Tailor the scope of your report by selecting the traffic tables and figure types that you need for your project, as well focus on critical intersections, corridors, and project site locations needed to explain your story. Time-saving result tables and figures are always up to date with project info, reducing errors and eliminating the need to post-process information.

Instant visual output

Colorful on-screen level-of-service, delays, capacities, and queue lengths give you visual feedback and KPIs make design decisions. Assess and mitigate every impact to find the right solution by comparing instant feedback to every geometry and signal timing modification. Additionally, easily visualize your route-based time-space diagrams (TSD) for traffic signal network coordination and optimization. Animate your model with the PTV Vissim preview or validate your scenario by importing it into Vissim for the world’s most powerful microsimulation analysis.

Selectable analysis methods

Making key design decisions demands industry-accepted and reliable results. PTV Vistro brings you more approved industry methods than any other traffic analysis tool to meet your agency requirements, including the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 7th Edition, 6th Edition, 2010, and 2000, Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU), Canadian Capacity Guide 3rd Edition (CCG), ITE’s Trip Generation, Kimber Method, and Circular 212.  Analysis methods are easily selectable and modifiable to compare results.

Scenario and Mitigation management system

PTV Vistro’s integrated and smart Scenario Management enables you to build time-of-day models, conceptual alternatives, and future-year forecasts all in one user-friendly file.  Simply create your base scenario and create new dependencies.  When adding new intersections or making small changes to volumes, signal timing, or geometry in the base scenario, PTV Vistro automatically updates unaltered elements across an unlimited number of scenarios.

Powerful mitigations management

PTV Vistro’s powerful mitigation management supports 99 unique modifications for each intersection, to help you find that perfect solution. This virtual sandbox empowers you to explore and keep track of various configurations, timings, and adjustments. All mitigations are meticulously organized, easily comparable to the unmitigated results, and accessible in formatted mitigation reports.

Easy network creation

PTV Vistro’s unique node and leg structure allows you to quickly drag and drop intersections at the precise locations in the background. By simply snapping adjacent legs together, you can develop your street system or advanced interchange in no time at all.  Create exact geometries with an array of poly points matching roadway curvature. Match your links, stop bars, and crosswalks to pavement markings with our powerful transparency mode to create a one-to-one twin ready for PTV Vissim’s precise microsimulation.

Traffic volumes and lane configurations

Adding traffic counts to your intersections is fast.  Volumes can be imported and exported globally with our CSV format, types locally in tabular format, or graphically inserted in the network editor. Using our efficient TIA workflows, you can rapidly set up and overlay trip volumes with our automated trip assignment tools.  Lane configurations can be easily inserted for each approach using our preset and custom intersection templates.

Copy and Paste

A unique Copy and Paste functionality smartly generates your system-wide web of intersections with minimal effort. This feature is a direct benefit over other software’s unoptimized process of inserting individual template files into the model.

Flexibility geometry and signalization

PTV Vistro is versatile to analyze traditional traffic signal operations, complete-streets, and access-management projects, but also is flexible enough to tackle the most advanced alternative intersection designs like RCUTs, SPUIs, Green-Ts, CFIs, and DDIs. In addition, the software adapts to many urban conditions like large signalized circular intersections. Our flexible signal controller enables you to build intricate sequences and easily share the same traffic controller at multiple intersections. Our resilient phase diagram increases readability and clearly illustrates which phases are in use at each connected intersection.

Create larger models faster with data imports

Build models in a flash with direct import from OpenStreetMaps data. Bring in the essential intersection nodes, geometry information, speeds, street names, and signalized intersections in the correct geolocation.  Additionally, start or add onto a network with PTV Visum or from Synchro models.

PTV Vistro enables teamwork!  Team members can work on model parts, and then quickly merge the pieces or overlay updates. Additionally, bridge the gap between your agency’s traffic operations and planning departments by creating and maintaining PTV Visum and PTV Vissim models with PTV Vistro.

Sign up for your free trial

Get access to PTV Vistro traffic engineering software and improve your analyses! It is easy to download, contains a fully functional version (except for printing and saving) for free.

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Urban renewal

Exploring Innovative Street Designs with PTV Vistro

Innovative designs of streets make communities more livable, safer, and prosperous. In this video, watch how street designs are modelled and studied with PTV Vistro software.

What customers say about PTV Vistro

PTV Vistro eases Silicon Valley traffic

California’s Silicon Valley has recently deployed PTV Vistro software to better manage its traffic. Take a look on how things are changing for the region’s two million residents and commuters.

Read more

What customers say about PTV Vistro

PTV Vistro assesses traffic impacts for In-N-Out Burger’s new location

In-N-Out Burger is a burger chain with a well-known cult following. Stores are predominantly located in California and the southwestern United States.

The chain has expanded into Colorado in November 2020. This resulted in a social media frenzy, campouts, and 2-mile-long lines and 14-hour wait times. Agencies now are taking extra-care in managing traffic impacts at future locations.

Joseph Henderson, traffic engineer at the Colorado-based consultancy Sustainable Traffic Solutions, was tasked with preparing a traffic impact study (TIS) for the new In-N-Out Burger restaurant in the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado. For several years, he has been using PTV Vistro software on complex projects, such as studying continuous-flow intersection operations, and large multi-phased development sites.

Due to the high-profile nature of the project, Henderson selected PTV Vistro to analyze the impacts of the new location during opening day and future years of operations. “PTV Vistro always provides reliable and accurate results,” says Henderson. “I was able to quickly evaluate several scenarios”, enabling him to suggest traffic signal optimization and design improvements for the project.

Henderson developed and tested five different scenarios to address the proposed traffic demand. This analysis included other new developments planned around the project area, with the goal of maintaining acceptable conditions and safety with the connecting roadways and nearby traffic signals.

The In-N-Out Burger application was officially approved by the town and the restaurant is already delivering the Double-Double, without the trouble. The Town of Castle rock is also using PTV Vistro for its own studies.

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