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Active Mobility

Cycling and walking are the most climate-friendly ways of getting around. According to the German Federal Environment Agency (2018), commuters can reduce CO2 emissions by around 300 kg per year if they use their bicycles instead of their cars to cover the up to 5 km long commute to and from work every working day. The promotion of cycling and walking is not only worthwhile for people and the environment, regions and cities also benefit from the numerous advantages: Traffic jam prevention, lower emissions and less traffic noise are just a few of the positive aspects that also improve the quality of life.

We explore challenges and necessities to drive the mobility revolution through innovative solutions. The assessment of shift potentials, the evaluation of the benefits of active mobility, strategies to promote it and recommendations for action for local authorities and politics are among the components of our work. We are also continuing to develop our traffic simulation software so that active mobility and its potential can be better taken into account in model-based traffic planning in the future.

Our fields of action

We offer solutions that help local authorities and companies, urban and transport planners to prepare for the new requirements in infrastructure and transport planning. We develop strategies and concepts and contribute to the promotion of more environmental- and climate-friendly mobility. We know the needs of our customers and clients as well as the wishes and requirements of the users.

  • Development of innovative concepts to promote walking and cycling
  • Further development of demand and transport models to improve the modelling results
  • Further development of methods/approaches for impact assessment and evaluation


Our product portfolio supports you on this and many other topics.

Selected projects

With the National Cycling Plan (NRVP) 3.0, cycling in Germany is to be raised to a new level. We were working on this as part of the consulting team. Within the framework of a participation process, experts from science, business, associations, administration and civil society worked out the central contents and documented them in the form of result papers. We worked on the NRVP 3.0 in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), and the new National Cycling Plan was presented to the public at the National Cycling Congress in Hamburg in 2021.

We looked at the intermodal link between bike and train in the study "Bicycle Parking at Railway Stations" commissioned by the BMVI as part of the mobility and fuel strategy of the German government (MKS). We have developed suggestions on how to expand bicycle parking facilities at train stations throughout Germany.

In the EU project FLOW - Furthering Less Congestion by Creating Opportunities For More Walking and Cycling - the aim was to recognize non-motorized modes of transport as a solution for reducing congestion in cities and to promote them. Together with the project partners we developed the FLOW congestion assessment method. This enables cities in Europe to evaluate the effectiveness of pedestrian and bicycle traffic measures in reducing congestion. In the project, the PTV products PTV Visum, PTV Vissim and PTV Viswalk were further developed.

Further projects: Information point for bicycle parking, Cycling strategy state of Brandenburg.

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