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Evaluation of Traffic Systems

In our globalized world, people's mobility behavior has changed dramatically in recent years. Increasing mobility, both in individual transport and public transport, leads to growth rates in traffic flows, which have an equal impact on all parties involved. In addition to the growing number of road users and modes of transport, noise pollution and pollutant emissions are increasing in cities. Transport and urban planners are thus faced with new challenges that they are trying to master with appropriate measures.

In this context, methods for evaluating transport systems are used to calculate various traffic parameters and to identify the macroeconomic consequences of the various possible measures at an early stage, i.e. before they are implemented. The evaluation results form an important basis for the subsequent decision processes as to which measure(s) will ultimately be implemented.

Over the years, we have developed a variety of evaluation methods ranging from individual transport modes to entire urban transport systems, maintenance programs  or improvement of resilience. This enables us to calculate traffic effects and to evaluate individual measures economically.

Our product portfolio supports you on this and many other topics.

Selected projects

To achieve the transport climate targets, the German government agreed in its 2009 coalition agreement to develop a mobility and fuel strategy (MKS). Since 2015, we have been providing scientific advice to the BMVI - in the form of one of the three coordinators and as part of the consortium. The projects within MKS include the evaluation of, for example, the CO2 or modal shift effects of different transport modes, carriers and drive systems. Selected studies in which macroeconomic assessments and shift potentials have been identified handled, for example, the expansion of electrification and digitalization of railroads, reactivation of rail lines, automated driving, and the shift effects of new and expanded mobility offers.

As technical coordinator in the development of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan (FTIP) 2030, we have accompanied the further development of the comprehensive evaluation methodology in the FTIP's methodology handbook. For this purpose, possible traffic effects were determined using traffic models and, based on these, benefit-cost analyses were carried out and the entire evaluation methodology of the FTIP was subjected to a fundamental review.

Within the framework of the EU project Flow - Furthering Less Congestion by Creating Opportunities for more Walking and Cycling, a multi-modal evaluation procedure was developed to specifically assess the effectiveness of various measures to promote cycling and walking on congested roads. On the other hand, a macroeconomic procedure was developed which takes all other possible effects into account. 

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