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Climate Protection in Transport

The Climate Protection Plan 2050 adopted by the Federal Cabinet in 2016 envisages that CO2 emissions in the transport sector will be reduced by 40 % by 2030 compared with the base year 1990. In recent decades, CO2 emissions from transport have not fallen as expected, but have risen slightly. For this reason there is a particularly strong need for action in the transport sector. In order to achieve these reduction targets, a paradigm shift in the organisation of passenger and freight transport is necessary. Technological innovations, opportunities in the course of digitisation, efficiency improvements and behavioural changes can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in mobility and transport.

Our fields of action

  • Strategies and concepts to promote sustainable mobility and climate-friendly logistics
  • Transport measures for environmental and climate protection and their consequences
  • Analysis and forecast of mobility development
  • Knowledge transfer between science and politics

Our product portfolio supports you on this and many other topics.

We develop solutions and recommendations for action to promote environmental-friendly mobility and logistics. To this end, we create measures, strategies and a wide variety of traffic concepts and determine their effects.

Selected projects

In its 2009 coalition agreement, the Federal Government agreed to develop a mobility and fuel strategy (Mobilitäts- und Kraftstoff-Strategie, short MKS) to achieve the transport climate targets. The MKS describes the required measures in the transport sector for the different transport modes in order to meet the climate and energy policy goals. We have been providing the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) with scientific advice since 2015 - as one of the three coordinators and as part of the consortium. The aim of MKS's advisory services is also to provide scientifically sound support to the BMVI and to help develop BMVI's own policy proposal for energy system transformation in transport and substantiate it on a model basis.

Selected studies in the context of MKS:

  • Improving road to rail strategies

  • Extending the electrification and digitization of the railways

  • Reactivation of railway lines

  • Bicycle parking at railway stations

  • Automated driving

  • Relocation effects of new and extended mobility offers

Furthermore, we are conducting research in numerous projects to develop concepts and solutions for climate-friendly and efficient transport and traffic. In the projects Metropol-E and eMerge, we have investigated alternative fuels such as electromobility with regard to the locations of charging infrastructure. Concepts and approaches for urban logistics with electric propulsion were considered in the projects iZeus and iHub.

Optimised bundling of different transport modes, as investigated in the projects IeMM (intermodal e-mobility management), Smart Station, regiomove and EasyRide, also helps to achieve the desired modal shift towards sustainable transport.

The modal shift of motorised private transport requires the strengthening and promotion of active mobility. Possible support measures, shift effects and climate impacts were investigated in the Flow project. The support of cycling was handled in the projects Bicycle parking at railway station and in the preparation of the National Cycling Plan 3.0.

The assessment of climate and environmental impacts is a component of numerous research projects at PTV, including the further development of the methods manual of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030 (BVWP).

Further projects: Information point for bicycle parking, Cycling strategy state of Brandenburg.

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